Owner operator report tennessee
Owner operator report tennessee

owner operator report tennessee
owner operator report tennessee

RELATED ARTICLE: Truckers Often Keep Driving After Drug Arrests


These rules apply to all truck drivers and trucking companies that engage in interstate commerce.


  • Speed: Drivers must obey all posted speed limits, and trucking companies may not schedule runs that a driver can’t make without speeding.
  • Falsifying or improperly maintaining these logbooks is a serious infraction that comes with significant penalties.
  • Record keeping: Drivers and trucking companies must maintain logbooks that track information like hours on the road and the vehicle’s maintenance schedule.
  • Maintenance and inspection: Trucking companies must properly maintain their vehicles and perform routine inspections to ensure their safety.
  • Hours of service: FMCSA regulations limit the number of hours a driver can operate a commercial vehicle without taking a rest break.
  • Drunk and drugged driving: The FMCSA prohibits truckers from operating their vehicles under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • Distracted driving: Drivers cannot text and drive or use handheld mobile devices while driving.
  • The FMCSA is part of the Department of Transportation (DOT) and is responsible for enforcing federal trucking laws and regulations, including: If you find out that a trucking company or truck driver is engaging in negligent behavior, but the situation isn’t an emergency, you should file a complaint with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) as soon as possible (at latest, within 90 days from when you learned about the behavior in question). Reporting Option #2: File a Complaint With the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration


    Make sure you give the dispatcher as much information as you can, including a description of the vehicle, its license plate number, its location, and your reason for concern. The emergency dispatcher will notify law enforcement authorities or emergency medical services depending on the circumstances. If you’re witnessing an emergency on the road, call 911 right away. Reporting Option #1: In an Emergency, Call 911 Keep reading to learn about three important options you can use to report dangerous and negligent behavior from a truck driver or trucking company. And even if the worst happens and a wreck occurs anyway, your complaint and the subsequent investigation could serve as important evidence in a truck wreck claim. Fortunately, when you witness negligent behavior from a truck driver or trucking company, you have the power to report it to the authorities.īy doing so, you may be able to prevent a deadly truck accident. There’s almost nothing more terrifying than seeing a semi truck driving recklessly.

    owner operator report tennessee

    If the driver and the owner have a certificate of compliance with the Tennessee Financial Responsibility Law of 1977, compiled in chapter 12 of this title, issued by the commissioner of safety, a copy of the certificate shall be included in the written notice.Here’s How You Can Report an Unsafe Trucking Company (c) Written reports prepared pursuant to this section shall include information pertaining to the insurance policy, including the name of the insurer, of the driver and of the owner of the vehicle. (b) The requirements in subsection (a) shall apply to accidents occurring upon highways and the premises of any shopping center, trailer park or any apartment house complex, or any other premises that are generally frequented by the public at large. (a) The driver of a vehicle that is in any manner involved in an accident resulting in bodily injury to or death to any person, or in which damage to the property of any one (1) person, including the driver's, in excess of four hundred dollars ($400) is sustained, shall within twenty (20) days after the accident, forward a written report of the accident to the department of safety provided, that persons making written reports to the department pursuant to § 55-12-104 shall not be required to make any additional report pursuant to this section, § 55-10-109 or § 55-10-111. Chapter 10 - Accidents, Arrests, Crimes and Penalties

    Owner operator report tennessee