Zotero in word how to merge citations
Zotero in word how to merge citations

zotero in word how to merge citations
  1. Zotero in word how to merge citations software#
  2. Zotero in word how to merge citations plus#

Zotero in word how to merge citations software#

  • Kaspersky Anti-virus software -Write-n-cite will not open.
  • Duplicate Author Fields -Imported from Primo.
  • Moving Citations from Word Processing Documents into RefWorks.
  • Format a Paper & Bibliography Toggle Dropdown.
  • Right-click a tag in the Tag Selector to add or remove a color. You can assign colors to up to nine of your tags, which will change both the color of the tag text and add a colored box next to tagged items.Ĭolored tags take priority in the Tag Selector box and appear at the top of the tag list for an item. Keep in mind that selecting more than one tag in that box is an AND search: an item must have ALL of the tags in order to appear in the center pane.

    zotero in word how to merge citations

    You can search your existing tags using the search box at the bottom of the tag box, too. You can search for items using tags in the search box at the top of the center pane, in the "Advanced Search" under the "Edit" menu, or by simply clicking on a tag in the Tag Selector box. To merge tags, for example because you accidentally created both "teenagers" and "teenager," simply rename one to match the other. To rename or delete tags from your library, look at the tag box at the bottom of the left-hand pane. To remove tags, select the tagged item and click the minus sign next to the tag in the right-hand pane. Just as with a normal reference, look to the right-hand pane but near the bottom.Īn easier way to add tags, so you don't have to remember the ones you've already created, is to select something in the center column and drag it onto the tag in the Tag Selector. To tag anything else (a file, link, or note, for example), select it in the center pane. If you start typing and there's already a tag in your collection similar to that, it will show up as a suggestion. To tag a reference, select it in the center pane and click on the "Tags" tab in the right-hand pane.Ĭlick "Add" and type your tag. To avoid this, go to Preferences → General tab and uncheck the box for "Automatically tag items with keywords and subject headings."Īutomatic tags can be hidden by opening the Tag Selector's Actions menu (the multi-colored dots in the bottom right of the box) and unchecking "Show Automatic." You can also delete existing automatic tags by choosing that option in the same menu. Zotero sometimes adds tags automatically, pulling in data like subject headings when you import a reference from a database. Clicking on one will only show you references with that tag. They appear in the Tag Selector box at the bottom of the left-hand Zotero pane. Tags are descriptive keywords you can add to items in your library. Deleting a collection also deletes any subcollections. If you want to delete an entire collection, but not the items in it, right-click the collection folder and choose "Delete Collection."Īll your items will still live in your library.Want to move a reference, rather than copy it, from one collection to another? Hold down the Command or Shift key, then drag and drop the item as usual.

    zotero in word how to merge citations

    References that currently aren't in any collection are in the "Unfiled Items" special collection in the left-hand pane. The collection or collections that include that reference will be highlighted in yellow. Not sure which collections your references are in? Select an item in your library and then hold down the Ctrl, Option, or Alt (Linux) key.If you add something to a collection by mistake, just right click it and select "Remove Item from Collection." Don't worry, this doesn't delete it from your library. If a collection is selected when you add an item to Zotero, the item will automatically be dropped into that collection.Other useful things to know about collections: Drag and drop items into your collection/s.You can also create subcollections by simply right-clicking the intended parent folder and choosing "New Subcollection."

    zotero in word how to merge citations

  • If you want this to be a subcollection, drag it into the relevant folder.
  • A pop up box will appear asking you to name the collection.
  • Zotero in word how to merge citations plus#

    Click the New Collection icon (a folder with a plus on it) in the left-hand Zotero pane.References can appear in an unlimited number of collections simultaneously. This is less like the folder organization of your computer and more like creating playlists: My Library is your library of music, and each folder is a playlist you create from items in your library. All your references will always display in the main "My Library" folder, but you can also group them into named collections and subcollections. Collections are folders in which to organize your references.

    Zotero in word how to merge citations